Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Digital Story Telling

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Digital story telling can be a beneficiary assignment for high intermediate, students aged 15 and above, as it will help develop literacies like persuasive writing, storytelling, developing voice, becoming more confident. Even though in digital story telling the emphasis is more on visuals, learners must also work on providing precise information in the short text, they must also have media and digital literacy. An example of story telling can be providing any information about a particular topic. To be able to present it in an appropriate way, students must be able to decide on the reliability of the source they took the information from. The process also requires planning, drafting and revising.
Image result for digital story tellingDigital story telling is a helpful tool to develop multiple literacies like media, critical, computer, digital, etc. As presented by Hughes & L/Robertson in this rapidly changing world of new technologies "the definition of text must expand to include multiple forms of teachers, communication and its social contexts and add empowerment as an additional gain for preservice teachers".