Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A good and bad example of Blogging task

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If a rural student is in a group of University students from the urban part, due to the lack of computer skills; because of no usage of the computer at all, may experience a hard time and feel frustrated using blogger as a platform for free writing.
Blogging can bring lots of fun and engagement to urban language center adults in expressing their viewpoints, commenting on an article posted. This will enhance their reading skills as well as will improve written production.

A good and a bad example of tweeter task

In the case of essay writing Tweeter can not be a helpful platform due to the short turns. Students will not be able to express their thoughts because of word limitations set by Tweeter. This is the case with adults at the University level. Meanwhile for adults at the language center Tweeter can be one of the best choices to express their views in couple sentences.
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Tweeter as a Platform for EFL learners

"Twitter has a huge advantage over usual discussion boards: Twitts consist of Short turns and Long turns" (K. Borau, et al.).

Being a tweeter user for the first time during my studies I think that this is a good platform for expressing our thoughts without being criticized about our errors. Besides, following my peers and reading their tweets helps me once again go over the reading material. Each of us posts something different, thus we go over and over the lecture again.
Tweeter could be a good platform for some writing tasks for new learners as well, they would not be afraid to express themselves.

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As described in the article "Microblogging for Language Learning: Using Twitter to Train Communicative and Cultural Competence" by K. Borau et al. Twitter can be a useful tool to practice "communicative competence". Learners can interact with each other, express their viewpoints.
In the case of developing speaking skills, Twitter and other social platforms can not be of much help, as some learners may be good in writing but bad in expressing their thoughts in oral communication.
Anyway, if the teacher sets a speaking task on Twitter, this can help the students to express their thoughts orally. This can be done through recording short monologues, or dialogues, role-plays.